I am Tahmid Rashid, a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Illinois State University. I completed my Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame under the supervision of Prof. Dong Wang and got my B.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from BRAC University, Bangladesh.
Prior to joining my Ph.D. program, I worked as a Lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Northern University Bangladesh.
My research centers on the unification of social sensing and physical sensing in the realm of cyber-physical-social systems (CPSS). I plan to develop system prototypes that can harness knowledge from our social and physical worlds concurrently to solve some of the critical challenges in smart urban sensing, disaster response, and situational awareness.
I have published 30+ peer-reviewed conference and journal papers, including top venues such as RTSS, INFOCOM, IEEE TCSS, DCoSS, and Artificial Intelligence Review. I have reviewed articles for the Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence (JMAI), Artificial Intelligence Review, and Information Systems (INFOSYS).